Waste Removal
Chloride has garbage pick up every Friday. The service is provided by Westside Disposal (Cheap Trash), out of Golden Valley. Their phone # is 928-565-9369. Call to be included in this service. Fees are $40.00, payable every other month for one orange can provided by the waste removal company. Westside Disposal also has dumpsters available for both temporary and permanent use.
Many people in town take advantage of the local dump. The Dump yard is located on Mineral Park Road a few miles east of town via 2nd street.
Please do not dump anywhere in the desert!! And if you see someone dumping garbage, trash, tires or other items in the desert, please report them to the Mohave County E.R.A.C.E. program (Environmental Rural Area Cleanup Enforcement) at (928) 715-0480.